
Watch our Video to learn about Gps Tracking

Locate any phone number in the world

*We don't collect phone numbers you enter. This is free beta testing phase.

Welcome to LiveGps Search Service

LiveGPS Search is ready and FREE. This service is free for 6 months. We plan to make it paid service after this time. You can beta-test this service. It takes only 20 seconds to see results. Test it now!

If you see any problem by searching please contact us. Thank you for testing gps locating service.

Your Current Location

How It Works




“I had lost my mobile phone on a pizza shop two days ago. I used telephone hunter to locate it and surprisingly I found it in just few seconds.”

Paul H./SA
Britney A

“ My new boyfriend keeps wondering how we always meet “accidentally” at different places. He doesn’t know that I use LiveGPS Search to check his location and then I just appear there, out of the blue! It’s so great, as he thinks we are the real match because we like the same things. Awesome service! ”

Britney A./CA
Arthur P.

“ When my wife told me that our teenage daughter has changed her behaviour, I was alerted. I came across LiveGPS Search and I used it to track her smart phone location after the school hours. This service is discrete, fast and I wouldn’t mind paying for it, if needed, as my child safety is the priority. ”

Arthur P./NZ
Brian S.

“ My days are such a fun after I discovered LiveGPS Search service. Now I can locate my best friend at any second, without calling him, so I have a feeling like I play a hide and seek game, and I beat him all the time. Great experience and user friendly site, so everyone should check it out. ”

Brian S./FL

“I’m a stay at home mum with 4 kids, and this website was a true life saver when my 3 year old son got lost in Fribourg’s shopping mall. Luckily enough, he had my smart phone in his backpack, so I used this service to locate my phone and in just couple of minutes, I managed to locate my son. I’d recommend their services wholeheartedly.”

Alexandra S./CH

“ I’m a passionate alpinist and I’ve recently lost my phone just one hour after we have started the expedition. One of the members of my crew used this great service and located my phone promptly. Luckily I left it in a camp. I would definitely recommend it.”

Matthew K./UK

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